What will the Urantia Online service be about?

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Sławomir Żydenko, I am from Poland and I would like to invite you to read my blog. The main topic will be The Two-Thousand-page Urantia Book.

First, I would like to tell you about some of my life experiences. After my parents died, I began to reflect on the afterlife and various issues related to religion and God. I asked myself various questions that couldn’t be answered. For example, according to the teaching of the church, man goes to heaven or hell after death. But where does he come into this world from? What is before birth? Or another question. How is it possible for people to be resurrected with body and soul when the matter from which their bodies were made has long been dispersed in the environment? Another example. Do all the teachings and ordinances of the Church follow from the teachings of Jesus? After all, not much is really known about him. Does God really accept only Christians? After all, there are many different religions, and if He also accepts people of other faiths, then by what criteria? What is most important to God? And what are rituals worth when there is such a great variety of them in such a huge number of religions?

There are no sensible answers to these and other questions in the Christian Church. This led me to Buddhism first, which has more philosophy. And finally to a crisis of faith.

When I was tired of everything, I decided to go back to the source of our culture, that is, to the faith of the Slavs from before Christian times. This idea obviously did not make much sense, because the faith of the pre-Christian Slavs is generally little known.

At that very moment I came across the Urantia Book.

And that was exactly what I was looking for. It was only in The Urantia Book that I found answers to my questions. For almost a year, I read the Book chapter by chapter almost every day. For the next four years I analyzed the knowledge I had gained in this way, trying to understand everything. Finally, I came to the conclusion that the Book is a valuable work and is worth promoting. It should also reach other people who have questions and are looking for answers.

The Urantia Book basically consists of four parts. The first two deals with the cosmos in both a spiritual and physical sense. These parts are the most difficult to understand, but the most important in my opinion, because they tell us that we are part of a larger whole.

The third part is about the history of the earth. I think that’s the most interesting part. It can be described as a popular science part.

And the fourth part is about Jesus, and this part is the most useful for practical life. Jesus was a man, he lived in the real world. You can follow him in your daily decisions. It’s amazing that, despite a different era, life two thousand years ago was so similar to today.

One may ask, is the Urantia Book true?

For me personally, two arguments are most important. First, The Urantia Book is incredible and unusual, but the information it contains, is consistent. Unlike a lie, which has gaps and is inconsistent.

Second, after reading The Urantia Book, it seems to me that a person can only become more aware and better. The Urantia Book motivates and empowers. After reading The Urantia Book, I have thought many things over and changed some views about myself and the reality around me. Therefore, I believe that learning about The Urantia Book cannot hurt, but can only help.

So why do I want to promote The Urantia Book? The Urantia Book is the new Bible. There are many things explained in The Urantia Book. For example, who is God, what is the Universe and our World. Who are the people and what are we doing in this world. And this will be the main goal of my work. Spreading knowledge about God, about the Universe, about the Earth, about Jesus and about man. These are the topics we are going to talk about.

I am going to run the programs in four languages to reach as many audiences as possible. It will be in Polish, of course, but also in German, English and Russian. It will be an experiment. I will prepare the programs myself and then translate them into the above-mentioned languages. This is my plan for the beginning.

See you soon. Best regards.

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